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July 21, 2021

Macrobond sees record growth as demand for high-frequency data accelerates

Onboarded 32 new customers globally
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Macrobond, a leading provider of global economic, aggregate financial and sector data for finance professionals, today announced that it has onboarded an additional 32 customers globally in Q2 2021, including economic consultancies, corporates, asset managers and large pension funds – the most significant growth for any quarter since the company was founded in 2008. Approximately one third of Macrobond’s newest customers are in Asia Pacific, making this its fastest growing region and reflecting its huge investment in regional data sets.

Data and analytics are needed more than ever to interpret global macroeconomic trends and market developments. However, traditional monthly or quarterly data sets such as GDP statistics can no longer be relied upon for keeping on top of global trends and responding to rapidly changing economic conditions. And while traditional data is not obsolete, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that the information economists, strategists and analysts need to access and analyse must adapt and change. Access to high-frequency data such as mobility, the job market or industrial production is now crucial for enhancing traditional macro analysis.

Howard Rees, Chief Commercial Officer, Macrobond, said: “The rapidly changing market conditions have accelerated the need for high-frequency data sets and financial modelling tools to evaluate economic cycles across our entire client base. We are delighted to see such a positive and strong market response to our macroeconomic data and technology offering.”

He added: “We will continue to collaborate with our existing and new customers to ensure that we broaden our near real-time data to help them draw accurate conclusions that won’t become irrelevant within days or even hours.”

Today, Macrobond is the world’s most comprehensive source of economic intelligence for finance professionals, delivering instant access to macroeconomic and top-down financial time-series data from more than 2,000 sources, including more than 36 million high-frequency data sets. Its analytical tools enable more than 4,000 economists, analysts, portfolio managers, quants and strategists across 500 organisations worldwide to quickly find, analyse, and visualise relevant data. Automated workflows also empower them to instantly share their insights across teams and jurisdictions, enhancing enterprise-wide collaboration.

Macrobond has been expanding its geographic footprint over the last six months, hiring senior sales executives across the US, Europe and Asia. Ian Hissey was appointed Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific, while John Leffler joined as Vice President Americas and Chris Seaman as Regional Managing Director UK. In addition, Macrobond opened its seventh global office in Stockholm, in addition to London, New York, Hong Kong, Lisbon, Szczecin and Malmö.

Christina Leung, Principal Economist at NZIER, an independent economic consultancy in New Zealand, said: “The way we work has really improved since we switched to Macrobond this year. The platform is easy to use, which means we can quickly analyse the latest economic developments.”

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