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Equity markets

MSCI Enhanced Index Module
Macrobond/FactSet Equity Factor Aggregates
Fixed income

GFI Corporate CDS

GFI Sovereign CDS
ICAP OTC Derivative Data for G7 and Nordics
ICE/BAML Fixed Income Indices
JP Morgan Fixed Income Indices
S&P Global / IHS Markit iBoxx Indices
BlueChip Forecasts
Consensus Economics Forecasts
EIU Database
FocusEconomics Forecasts
Oxford Economics Global Economic Data Bank
Oxford Economics Regions and Cities Forecasts
Primary Vision's Frac Spread Count
Swedish NIER Institute Surveys and Forecasts

EPFR Fund Flows
Morningstar Fund Universe for NAV
Real estate
Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) Database

Valueguard real estate price indices
S&P Global PMI Indices
Premium data Spotlight
Macrobond/FactSet Equity Factor Aggregates
We have partnered with FactSet to create the Macrobond/FactSet Equity Factor Aggregates (MFEFA), an aggregate version of the US firm’s Quant Factor Library (QFL), which provides a comprehensive representation of the entire global equity market.
Fast facts
- Covers all developed and emerging markets at an aggregate level
- Aggregates financial and alternative data from:
- 70,000+ securities
- 127 countries
- 200+ exchanges
- 100 individual data items
- 14 factor groups
Underlying data
FactSet’s QFL is a point-in-time database of factor insights and consolidated data, including alternative data from more than 70,000 securities across 127 countries and 200 exchanges.
Traditional datasets such as pricing, fundamentals and estimates offer an extensive history dating back to 1986 for key countries.
Methodology and coverage
The MFEFA aggregate the underlying data items from the QFL for the securities within each market. This rules-based approach provides our customers with a top-down representation of the investable universe available in each market while capturing local market nuances.
The MFEFA cover all developed and emerging markets at an aggregate level, which are then built out to regional aggregations.
Data items
The MFEFA include nearly 100 individual data items from across 14 different factor groups. Each is taken from the QFL at security level and then aggregated. Details can be found in the time series information section of the Macrobond application.
Corporate Governance
- Equity Buyback Ratio
- Board - Female Members
- Board - Number of Members
- Executives - Average Salary
- Executives - Average Bonus
- Management - Average Tenure
- Management - Female CEO
- Number of Employees
- Days Since CEO Change
- Passive Percent Outstanding
- ETF Percent Outstanding
- Institutional Percent Outstanding
- Insider Percent Outstanding
- Hedge Fund Percent Outstanding
- Calendar year EPS (up to 5 years into the future)
- Dividend Payout Ratio
- EPS Growth Rate
- Sales Growth Rate
- R&D to Sales
- Dividend Growth Rate
- 21D Average Dollars Traded
- 21D Median Dollars Traded
Market Sensitivity
- 36M Beta
- 252D Beta
- 63D Return Momentum
- 21D Return Momentum
- 252D Return Momentum
- % Above 52W Low
- % Below 52W High
- Return on Assets
- Return on Total Equity
- Return on Invested Capital
- Net Margin
- Gross Margin
- Tax Burden
- EPS Stability
- Piotroski F-Score
- Altman Z-Score
- Beneish M-Score
- Price Target Estimate Stability
- Price Target Estimate Revisions
- Earnings Estimate Stability
- Earnings Estimate Revisions
- Market Value
- Total Sales
- Total Assets
- Enterprise Value
- Book Value
- Aggregates Earnings
- Cash Coverage Ratio
- Short Term % of Total Debt
- Debt Service Ratio
- Current Ratio
- Debt to Equity
- Interest Burden
- Quick Ratio
- Cash Ratio
- Price to Earnings
- Price to Book
- Price to Cash Flow
- Price to Sales
- Dividend Yield
- EBITDA to Enterprise Value
- PEG Ratio
- 252D Turbulence
- 252D Kurtosis
- 2520 Skewness
- 2520 Semivariance
- 36M Return Volatility
- 2520 Return Volatility
- 630 Return Volatility
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