
Bi-weekly data additions

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Used Car Transactions in the UK and Malayasia's SME Loans


Consolidated Bank Balance Sheet 

Country & Region > Argentina [ar, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Banks


Central Government Budget: Discretionary & Compulsory Expenses 

Source & Release > Brazil [br, Region] > Secretariat of National Treasury, Brazilian Ministry of Finance (STN) > Central Government Budget [rel_brmfstncgovbu, Release]


Highway Traffic Mobility Index – real indices

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Highway Traffic Mobility Trends > Real Index

Czech Republic

Trade in Goods by Commodities 

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Trade in Goods by Commodities


Energy consumption, Electricity Net Imports

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy Consumption & Production  

Loans from “The Biggest Banks & Mortgage Credit Institutions”

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > The Biggest Banks & Mortgage Credit Institutions  


Total Credit of MSMEs

Country & Region > Indonesia [id, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Loans Outstanding > Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Credits of Commercial Banks (MSMEs)



Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Bankruptcies


IIP: Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency & Type of Securities

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6 > National > International Investment Position > Portfolio Investment Position (Assets) by Currency & Type of Securities > Debt Securities

Oil Statistics - Supply & Demand

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Import Price


Small & Medium Enterprises Non-Performing Loans by Sector

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > All Institutions > Financial Institution > July 2021 Onwards > Impaired SME Loan/Financing by Sector

Monthly Employee Wages Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > Total (Monthly)

New Zealand

Securities statistics: Central Bank Holdings of Kauri Bonds  

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Kauri Bonds

Securities statistics: Central Bank Holdings of individual Bonds  

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Individual Bonds

Securities statistics: Central Bank Standing Facilities

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Reserve Bank of New Zealand > Standing Facilities

Construction Permits by Region

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Construction > Construction Status > Permits > Stats New Zealand > Regional



Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Enterprises > Number of Bankruptcies

New Company Registrations   

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Enterprises > Number of Registrations


Annual Main Economic Indicators

Source & Release > Portugal [pt, Region] > Portuguese National Statistics Institute (INE) > National Accounts (Annual) [rel_ptinenaac1, Release] > Table A.0.1 - Main Economic Indicators

Sierra Leone

National Accounts components

Source & Release > Sierra Leone [sl, Region] > Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) > GDP Analysis [rel_slstatsslnaac, Release]


Private Sector Profitability

Source & Release > Sweden [se, Region] > Statistics Sweden (SCB) > Private Sector Profitability & Value Added [rel_sescbpriproval, Release] > Profitability by NACE Rev.2

Value Added by detailed component

Source & Release > Sweden [se, Region] > Statistics Sweden (SCB) > Private Sector Profitability & Value Added [rel_sescbpriproval, Release] > Value Added by Detail Component & NACE Rev. 2

SCB Financial Accounts

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category] > SCB Financial Accounts

County Councils: Expenses & Revenues

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Finances > Statement of Accounts > County Councils > Expenses & Revenues

Mean Population

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Demography [demo, Category] > Total Population

Sectors Accounts: S1 Total Economy

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Sector Accounts > S1 Total Economy


Financial Accounts – Households & NPISH

Country & Region > Switzerland [ch, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category] > Stock, Quarterly > Households & NPISH


Foreign Trade, By Selected Commodities

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > By Commodities > Selected


Public Debt Outstanding 

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > Outstanding Overview

Factory Closures

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Factory

Construction Status: Factory Permits

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Construction > Construction Status > Permits > Factory


Turkish Lira Currency Swap  

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts

United Kingdom

Used Car Transaction

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations


Footprint Data Foundation 

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > Global Footprint Network > Footprint Data Foundation [rel_worldfootprint, Release]

Sep 23
Oct 4, 2024


Sep 9
Sep 20, 2024

U.S. Transit, China's Renewable Energy, and Financial Metrics across economies

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New additions include daily transit ridership statistics for the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, highlighting a post-pandemic shift in transportation habits with bus ridership surpassing pre-pandemic levels. In China, updated data on renewable energy shows consistent wind energy capacity utilization, though solar energy is slightly below previous years' trajectories. Other key updates feature public debt data from Kenya, new vehicle registrations in New Zealand, and financial statistics from countries like Brazil, Singapore, and Mongolia​.


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Central Government Budget, Itaipu Methodological Adjustments

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget  

Central Government Budget, Legislative/Judiciary/MPU/DPU

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget  


National New Energy Joint Power Grid, Capacity Utilization

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Capacity Utilization  

El Salvador 

Central Bank Credit to Non-Financial Public Sector 

Source & Release > El Salvador [sv, Region] > Reserve Bank of El Salvador (Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador) > Credit to Non-Financial Public Sector [rel_svcbcnps, Release]


Public Debt

Country & Region > Kenya [ke, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > Domestic Debt > Non-Residents


General Government Debt (Quarterly)  

Country & Region > Mongolia [mn, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > General Government

New Zealand

Banks: Assets – Loans by Business Size

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Banks > Assets > Loans by Business Size

Regional Motor Vehicle Registrations

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Motor Vehicle First Registrations


Purchasing Managers' Index (methodology adjustment)

Country & Region > Nigeria [ng, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > Central Bank of Nigeria > Purchasing Managers' Index


Indebtedness of the Non-Financial Sector  

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Non-Financial Sector Debt


Central Government Debt

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt

International Trade in Services

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Services


Government Bonds by Holders

Country & Region > Spain [es, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > Central Government Debt > Stripped Government Bonds by Holders

Treasury Bills by Holders  

Country & Region > Spain [es, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > Central Government Debt > Treasury Bills by Holders


Balance of Payments: other investments complementation

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6 > Financial Account

United States 

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Ridership Data 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority > Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Ridership Data [rel_uswmatatran, Release]

Sep 9
Sep 20, 2024
Aug 12
Sep 6, 2024

G20 TIGER Indices, Malaysian Inflation, and Key Australian Business Indicators

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Key highlights include the release of G20 TIGER Composite Indices, offering insights into the global economic cycle, a detailed breakdown of Malaysia’s inflation data, and new business indicators from Australia.


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NAB Business Survey, By Industry (Monthly)

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > National Australia Bank > Business Survey (Monthly) > By Industry

NAB Business Survey, Key Statistics (Quarterly)

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > National Australia Bank > Business Survey (Quarterly) > Key Statistics > Not Seasonally Adjusted  


CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0387-01: Labour force characteristics, 3 months moving-average, NSA, last 5 months 

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0387-01 - Labour force characteristics, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality, last 5 months

CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0327-01: Labour force characteristics, by sex and detailed age group, annual

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0327-01 - Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, annual


CSI Securities Index

Source & Release > China [cn, Region] > China Securities Index Company Limited > China CSI Securities [rel_cncsisec, Release]

Czech Republic 

Mortgage Loans 

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Commercial Banks > Mortgage Loans


Annual National Accounts: Table NABP19 1-2.1.1: Output per industry

Source & Release > Denmark [dk, Region] > Statistics Denmark > National Accounts (Annual) [rel_denstatnaacy, Release] > Industries > Production, Value Added & Compensation of Employees > NABP19 1-2.1.1 Production & Generation of Income (19A2-Grouping) by Transaction, Industry & Price Unit


Balance of Payments: Portfolio Investments Assets, by Region

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6 > National > Financial Account > Portfolio Investment > Regions > Assets > Total  

Air Transport Statistic: Domestic visitors

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Domestic Visitors

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Contractual Cash Earnings

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Contractual Cash Earnings > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Employment Turnover

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Employment > Turnover > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Days Worked

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Productivity, Costs & Hours Worked > Days Worked > Total > Special Survey

Monthly Labour Survey: Special Survey, Hours Worked

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Productivity, Costs & Hours Worked > Hours Worked > National > Total > Special Survey


Depository Corporations Survey

Source & Release > Georgia [ge, Region] > National Bank of Georgia > Depository Corporations Survey [rel_genbgdepcor, Release]


Gross Agricultural Production Index

Source & Release > Lithuania [lt, Region] > Statistics Lithuania > Agricultural Production Index [rel_ltagprodin, Release]


Freight Indicators, Roads

Country & Region > Luxembourg [lu, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Freight Indicators > Roads


Regional CPI Breakdowns

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > Regional

Bond Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Bond Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Bonds

Capital Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Capital Market Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Capital Market

Derivative Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Derivatives Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Derivatives  

Equity Market Statistics

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Securities Statistics > Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) > Equity

New Zealand

Regional Motor Vehicle Registrations

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations


National Government Outstanding Debt (Monthly)

Country & Region > Philippines [ph, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Debt Government Securities Issuances


Russian Secured Funding Average Rate (RUSFAR Indicator)  

Country & Region > Russia [ru, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Repo Rates > Moscow Exchange (MOEX)


Government Benchmarks, National Bank of Serbia, Coupon Rate of 10Y Bond 

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Government Benchmarks > Serbian Ministry of Finance


External Debt, Principal

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Foreign Finance [fofi, Category] > Foreign Debt

Tourism Receipts

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Tourism Receipts

Tourism, Length of Stay

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Length of Stay


Balance of Payments

Source & Release > Tunisia [tn, Region] > Central Bank of Tunisia > Balance of Payments [rel_tncbbopa, Release]


MAS Survey of Professional Forecasters

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Forecasts [fcst, Category] > Monetary Authority of Singapore > Expectations of the S$NEER Policy Band

South Korea

Producer Price Index Weights: Basic group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Basic Groups)

Producer Price Index Weights: Items group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Item Groups)

Producer Price Index Weights: Special group

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Indexes (Special Groups)

United Kingdom 

Rental Price Index

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Rental Price Index > U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Rental Prices

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Rental Prices > U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS)

United States 

Senate Election Winner 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Polymarket > Senate Election Winner [rel_uspolymarketsew, Release]

Presidential Election Winner 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Polymarket > Presidential Election Winner [rel_uspolymarketpew, Release]

CPI Release Dates 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis > CPI Release Dates [rel_usblspriccpird, Release]

General Election  

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > RealClearPolitics (RCP) > General Election [rel_usrcppolige, Release]

Simple Monetary Policy Rules 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland > Simple Monetary Policy Rules [rel_uscfedsmpr, Release]

Household Debt & Credit Report (Annual)  

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Reserve Bank of New York > Household Debt & Credit Report (Annual) [rel_usfednyhhdc, Release]

Quarterly Financial Report (QFR): Manufacturing, Mining, Trade & Selected Service Industries (Financial Tables) 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > U.S. Census Bureau > Quarterly Financial Report (QFR): Manufacturing, Mining, Trade & Selected Service Industries


Stocks of Government Securities

Source & Release > Zambia [zm, Region] > Zambia Ministry of Finance > Stocks of Government Securities [rel_zmmofsgs, Release]


Brookings - Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) 

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Brookings Institution / Financial Times > Brookings - Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) [rel_usbrookingssurv, Release]

London Metal Exchange Steel Futures

Futures > Futures - Continuation Series > Metals > Steel > London Metal Exchange

Aug 12
Sep 6, 2024
Jul 15
Aug 9, 2024

Global data additions with a focus on US elections

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Our latest data additions include critical indicators across multiple countries, including U.S. election betting odds, China's regional trade, and Canada's labor market.


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Consolidated Final Account

Country & Region > Bahrain [bh, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Consolidated Government Budget 


Core CPI exc. Food & Energy (EXFE), Change P/P

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > National > Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) > Special Series > Core


Foreign Trade in USD

Country & Region > Cambodia [kh, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Total 


CANSIM Tables: 14-10-0419-01: Employment by Occupation

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0419-01 - Employment by occupation, census metropolitan areas, annual

14-10-0384-01: Employment by Industry

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0384-01 - Employment by industry, census metropolitan areas, annual

14-10-0384-01: Labour force characteristics

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0385-01 - Labour force characteristics, annual

14-10-0390-01: Work absence of full-time employees

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Labour > Employment and unemployment > 14-10-0390-01 - Work absence of full-time employees, annual


Purchase & Sale with Electronic Invoices, by economic activity (CVAE)

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Purchases & Sales with Electronic Invoices > By Economic Activity

Regional Buying & Selling Indicators (ICVR)

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Purchases & Sales with Electronic Invoices > Regional Buying & Selling Indicators


Foreign Trade, By Province & City & Major District of Location of Destination/Origin

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Regional > By Province & City & Major District of Location of Destination/Origin

Foreign Trade, By Province & City & Major District of Location of Vendor

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Regional > By Province & City & Major District of Location of Vendor

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), By Province

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Production > By Province

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), By Products

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Production > By Products

Industrial Production & Energy (Annual), Production Capacity

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Production > Production Capacity


Trends in the Real & Nominal Effective Exchange Rates

Country & Region > Ethiopia [et, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > FX Indices > National Bank of Ethiopia


Retail Trade, Food, Trend Adjusted, Constant Prices, Index

Country & Region > Israel [il, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail Trade 


JAMA Member's US Vehicle Production Statistics

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Vehicles > JAMA Member's US Vehicle Production

Outright Purchase of JGBs, Purchase Size per Auction

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Central Bank Open Market Operations > Purchases of Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) > Purchase Size per Auction

SC Sales Statistics Survey Report

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Wholesale & Retail Trade > Retail Trade > Japan Council of Shopping Centers (JCSC)

TANKAN, Predicted Exchange Rate USD / JPY

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > Bank of Japan > TANKAN > Enterprises > Annual Projections > (1) Year-to-Year Percent Change Etc. > D. Predicted Exchange Rates (U.S. Dollar-Yen)

TANKAN, Predicted Exchange Rate EUR/JPY

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > Bank of Japan > TANKAN > Enterprises > Annual Projections > (1) Year-to-Year Percent Change Etc. > E. Predicted Exchange Rates (Euro-Yen)


Hotel Occupancy Rates, By State

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Accommodation > Hotels > Occupancy Rates > Quarterly

Petroleum Prices (Weekly)

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Commodities & Energy [caes, Category] > Spot Prices > Energy > Petroleum 

Occupancy Rate for Residential Property 

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Indicators > Other Indicators > Malaysian Valuation & Property Services Department

New Zealand

Retail Trade by Region

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail Trade > By Region


Central Bank Liabilities, Securities other than shares

Country & Region > Nigeria [ng, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Liabilities > By Type > Securities Other than Shares, Excluded from Broad Money


State Budget Announced

Country & Region > Qatar [qa, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budget Projections

South Africa 

Consumer Credit Statistics, Applications

Source & Release > South Africa [za, Region] > National Credit Regulator of South Africa > Consumer Credit Market Report [rel_zancrccmr, Release]

United Kingdom

Vehicle Registration: vans per type

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations 

United States 

Zillow, Metro level

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Zillow > Zillow Index, Metro Level [rel_uszillowmetro, Release]

Balance of Power: 2024 Election

Country & Region > United States [us, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Socio-Political > Political Polls > Polymarket

Jul 15
Aug 9, 2024
Jul 1
Jul 12, 2024

IMF PortWatch and US Non-Residential Construction

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Our July 2024 data additions include the IMF PortWatch dataset tracking shipping chokepoints, US non-residential construction spending for data centers, Austria's banking assets and liabilities, and various global financial and trade updates.


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CRR Banks’ Business Structure: Assets

Country & Region > Austria [at, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > CRR Banks' Business Structure > Assets

CRR Banks’ Business Structure: Liabilities

Country & Region > Austria [at, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > CRR Banks' Business Structure > Liabilities


Rural Energy Consumption 

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Consumption > Rural

Rural Energy Production 

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Production > Rural


Bank of Japan Financial Statements, Income Statement

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Income Statement

Labor Force Survey, Detailed Tabulation: changed jobs in the past year, by age

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Labor Force Statistics > Changed Jobs in the Past 1 Year > By Age


Monthly Transfers from the EU Budget to Poland

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget > Financial Transfers Between Poland & the EU Budget


Turnover in the services sector

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Business Enterprise > Turnover > Services

Gross Wages & Salaries in Services

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > Gross Wages > Services


Foreign Trade: Import of commodities

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Import

Foreign Trade: Export of commodities

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export


Motor Vehicle traffic statistics

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Motor Vehicle 

Airport passenger traffic 

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Airport > Passengers

Port Container Throughput

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > International Commercial Port > Container Throughput


Financial Institutions NPLs

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Non-Performing Loans

Change of Gross NPLs

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Commercial Banks > Gross Non-Performing Loans > Change of Gross NPLs Decreasing

Nano Finance under Supervision

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Nano Finance under Supervision

Personal Loan under Supervision

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Financial Institutions > Personal Loan under Supervision


Foreign Trade by SITC Rev3 - Special Trade System

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export & Import > By SITC Rev.3 Classification


National Accounts: Expenditure Approach details

Country & Region > Uganda [ug, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Expenditure Approach

United States

Construction spending, Data Centers

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > U.S. Census Bureau > Construction Spending, Value Put in Place > Private, Monthly


IMF Chokepoint Transit Calls & Trade Estimates Daily  

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > International Monetary Fund (IMF) > IMF Chokepoint Transit Calls & Trade Estimates Daily [rel_imfctctve, Release]

Jul 1
Jul 12, 2024
Jun 3
Jun 28, 2024

UK Political Polls, Turkish Financial Trends, Kyrgyz Public Finances

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Our June 2024 data additions include UK election polls, Turkey's debit and credit card usage, and Kyrgyzstan's budget trends, among other key updates.


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Salaries & labor costs

Source & Release > Belgium [be, Region] > Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour & Social Dialogue > Salaries & Labor Costs [rel_befpsslc, Release]


Central Bank Market Expectations Survey

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Forecasts [fcst, Category] > Central Bank of Brazil > Fiscal   

Industrial Production: chemical products

Source & Release > Brazil [br, Region] > Brazilian Institute of Geography & Statistics (IBGE) > Industrial Production [rel_brsidraprod, Release]

Reconciliation Between Foreign Trade & Balance of Payments Statistics: Exports

Country & Region > Brazil [br, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Balance on Goods > Reconciliation Between Foreign Trade & Balance of Payments Statistics > Export


Trim-CPI and median CPI (index, Jan. 1989=100)

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > CANSIM Database > CANSIM > Prices and price indexes > Consumer price indexes > 18-10-0256-01 - Consumer Price Index (CPI) statistics, measures of core inflation and other related statistics - Bank of Canada definitions


Retail & Wholesale Trade: by product division and product group

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail & Wholesale Trade

Supermarket Sales

Country & Region > Chile [cl, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Supermarket Sales


Retail auto sales – weekly frequency

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations > Sales of Automobile Industry > Passenger Cars > Retail Sale

Wholesale auto sales – weekly frequency

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations > Sales of Automobile Industry > Passenger Cars > Wholesale

Box office data – daily frequency

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Box Office

Hainan Tourism consumer price index

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Tourism Price Index > Hainan Tourism Consumer Price Index

Supply of Gas: urban areas, for households use

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Supply & Demand > Urban Areas' Energy Supply (Household Use)

Supply of Gas: production capacity

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Supply & Demand > Production Capacity of Gaswork Gas

Supply of Gas: length of gas pipelines

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Energy > Supply & Demand > Length of Gas Pipelines

Czech Republic

GDP contributions (Imports for Final Use Excluded)  

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Gross Domestic Product > GDP Contributions


Monthly Collection Statistics by Tax Type

Source & Release > Colombia [co, Region] > Colombian National Directorate of Taxes & Customs (DIAN) > Monthly Collection Statistics by Tax Type [rel_codiangpfi, Release]

Tax collections

Country & Region > Colombia [co, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Tax Collections


Insurance companies & pension funds: currency exposure and hedge

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Funds [fund, Category] > Insurance & Pension > Insurance Companies & Pensions Funds


Trends in Transactions on Stock Markets by Mutual Funds 

Source & Release > India [in, Region] > Security & Exchange Board of India > Trends in Transactions on Stock Markets by Mutual Funds [rel_insebifund, Release]


Crude Oil Imports Volume

Country & Region > Indonesia [id, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Import > By Commodity, Classification SITC


Investment Management firms: asset under management 

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Funds [fund, Category] > Asset Management > Investment Management > Assets Under Management

Bank of Japan: financial statements – Appropriation of net income 

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Appropriation of Net Income

Bank of Japan: financial statements – Income statement  

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Income Statement

Cabinet Office Consumer Confidence Index, Breakdown Statistics

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Consumer Surveys > Cabinet Office Japan > Cabinet Office Consumer Confidence Survey > Consumer Confidence Index

Current Survey of Commerce: retail sales for home electric appliances

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Wholesale & Retail Trade > Retail Trade > Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) > Large-Scale Speciality Retailers for Home Electric Appliances

Current Survey of Commerce: retail sales for drugstores

 Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Wholesale & Retail Trade > Retail Trade > Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) > Drugstore

Current Survey of Commerce: retail sales for home improvement stores

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Wholesale & Retail Trade > Retail Trade > Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) > Home Improvement Stores

Industrial Production: inventory, by item

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Inventory > By Item

Industrial Production: output, by item

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Output > National > By Item

Industrial Production: shipment, by item

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Shipment > By Item

Services PPI

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Services

Wholesale Services PPI

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Wholesale Services Price Index

Services price index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Services Price Index


Government budget expenditures

Country & Region > Kyrgyzstan [kg, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > State Government Budget > Expenditures

Government budget revenues

Country & Region > Kyrgyzstan [kg, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > State Government Budget > Revenues

Government budget surplus / deficit

Country & Region > Kyrgyzstan [kg, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > State Government Budget > Overall Surplus (+) / Deficit (-)

Government budget: sources of financing the deficit 

Country & Region > Kyrgyzstan [kg, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > State Government Budget > Sources of Financing the Deficit > Financing


Government benchmarks: MTB Band 4, 68 to 91 days

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Government Benchmarks > Macrobond > Yield

National Accounts: private final consumption expenditures, per category

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Expenditure Approach > Summary > Quarterly


PPI: food & beverage service sector

Country & Region > Mongolia [mn, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Prices Index > Food & Beverage Service Sector

PPI: information & communication sector

Country & Region > Mongolia [mn, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Prices Index > Information & Communication Sector

PPI: Accommodation sector 

Country & Region > Mongolia [mn, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Prices Index > Accommodation Sector

New Zealand

International travel & migration: arrivals

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Arrivals > By Type > By Country of Residence

Average Weekly Paid Hours, SA

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Average Paid Hours (FTEs) Total All Industries & Both Sexes - SA

Average Weekly Paid Hours, trend

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Average Paid Hours (FTEs) Total All Industries & Both Sexes - Trend


Bank Evaluation Figures on Housing: NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 levels

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Prices > Portuguese National Statistics Institute (INE) > Bank Evaluation Figures on Housing > NUTS 2 & NUTS 3

Transactions of Housing Units

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Transactions > House Units > Portuguese National Statistics Institute (INE) > Transactions of Housing Units

Financial Soundness Indicators

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Financial Soundness Indicators


Bank claims on households, by contracted currency and hedge

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Banks > Claims > By Entity > to Households

Balance of Payments: details 

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Methodology: BPM6

Labor force survey: employed and unemployed persons

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Employment

Central Bank assets

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Balance Sheet & Flows of MFI Sector > Central Bank > Assets

Foreign Trade, Export by Countries

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export > By Country  

Value of Construction Works Done

Country & Region > Serbia [rs, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Construction > Construction Indicators > Serbian Statistical Office


Port Statistics: bunker sales

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Logistics > Ports > Bunker Sales


Regional Match Indicators

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Regional Match Indicators > Demand & Matching > Aggregate Matching (M1) By Region  


Automobile Sales, Exports

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations > Export


Debit card & credit card expenditures 

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Debit & Credit Cards Usage

Deposits by maturity 

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Deposit Money Banks > Deposits > Deposits By Maturity

Deposits by Maturity

Country & Region > Turkey [tr, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Deposit Money Banks > Deposits > Deposits By Maturity   

United Kingdom

Average Weekly Earnings, Regular Pay Index, SA by Sectors (More Decimals versions)

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Weekly

Average Weekly Earnings, Total Pay Including Arrears, NSA (More Decimals versions)

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Earnings > Weekly

Household Costs Index

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Household Costs Index

Median Pay, Households & Extraterritorial, by industry

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > Median Pay > By Industry

Voting Intentions

Country & Region > United Kingdom [gb, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Socio-Political > Political Polls > YouGov > Political Parties

United States

FiveThirtyEight, Favorable Ratings

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > FiveThirtyEight > Favorability Ratings [rel_usftefav, Release]


ENSO Indicators, weekly

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) > ENSO Indicators, Weekly [rel_usnoaaensoiw, Release]

Jun 3
Jun 28, 2024
May 20
May 31, 2024

Rail Freight surge in Denmark and Leading indicators in South Korea

Fallback heading


The latest data additions for May 2024 feature new rail freight statistics from Denmark, showcasing its role as a key transit hub, and expanded coverage of industrial shipments in South Korea, highlighting electronic components as leading indicators for global trade.


  • Country name
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Rail Freight 

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Rail Freight > Capacity]


Corporate Goods: Exports Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Export/Import Prices > Export Price Index > Corporate Goods

Corporate Goods: Imports Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Export/Import Prices > Import Price Index > Corporate Goods

Corporate Goods: Producer  Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Corporate Goods

New Zealand

Foreign Trade, select items at 8 digits HS level

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Foreign Trade > Export & Import > Commodities > HS Chapters


Medium-Term Forecast Publication (Central Bank of Russian Federation)

Country & Region > Russia [ru, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Central Bank of the Russian Federation


Excessive Deficit Procedure, by sector 

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Debt > General Government > Excessive Deficit Procedure > By Sector  

Municipal Housing Companies & Private Bodies, Unlet Dwellings

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Stock > Inventory > Statistics Sweden (SCB) > Overall 

South Korea

Industrial Production, Shipments for selected electronic items

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Shipments > Export & Domestic Market


Domestic Tourism, Guest arrivals

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Guest Arrivals

Domestic Tourism, Occupancy rate

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Occupancy Rate


Futures: SGX Baltic Container Freight Route 

Futures > Futures - Continuation Series > Freight > Shipping > Singapore Exchange (SGX) > SGX Baltic Container Freight Route FBX01 [sec_sgx_cx01f, Security]

May 20
May 31, 2024
May 6
May 17, 2024

Coastal transport in Japan and the Asia Power Index

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The latest data additions include Japan's coastal vessel transportation statistics and the Lowy Institute's Asia Power Index, among others.


  • Country name
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Unemployment Rate

Source & Release > Belize [bz, Region] > Statistical Institute of Belize > Employment [rel_bzsiblama, Release]


Auto Sales, Retail & Wholesale (Monthly)

Country & Region > China [cn, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Vehicle Sales & Registrations > Sales of Automobile Industry > Passenger Cars > By Manufacturer

Czech Republic

Financial Accounts

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Financial Accounts [flof, Category]

Industrial Production, SA

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Output  


Domestic loans from Banks, outstanding amounts

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Banks > Loans > Domestics Loans from Banks > Outstanding Amounts


Industrial Production Output

Country & Region > Hungary [hu, Region] > Production [prod, Category] > Industrial Summary > Output


Manufacturing Production by Economic Activity

Source & Release > Estonia [ee, Region] > Statistics Estonia > Manufacturing Production by Economic Activity [rel_eestatprodmon, Release]


Tax Revenues

Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Tax Revenues 

Euro Area Economy Coincident Indicator

Country & Region > Italy [it, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Leading Indicators > Bank of Italy > Coincident Index


Coastwise Vessel Transport

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Transport & Communications [tran, Category] > Traffic > Coastal 

Investment Goods Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Investment Goods Index

Prewar Base Price Index

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Prewar Base Index

New Zealand

Rental Bonds, median rent

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Indicators > Rental Bonds > New Zealand Tenancy Service > Median Rent


National Accounts, GFCF breakdowns

Country & Region > Philippines [ph, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Gross Domestic Product > Summary


Consolidated Central Government budget operations

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Budgets > Central Government Budget > Operations of the Consolidated Central Level  

MFI Loans & Other Claims on individuals

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > On Individuals

MFI Loans & Other Claims to individuals

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > To Individuals

MFI Loans & Other Claims to individual entrepreneurs

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > MFIs > Loans & Other Claims > By Entity > To Individual Entrepreneurs

Foreign Direct Investment Inflow

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Balance of Payments [bopa, Category] > Foreign Direct Investment > Inflows

State Treasury Debt by Maturity: residual maturity

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > General Government Debt > By Maturity > Residual Maturity of State Treasury Debt

State Treasury Debt by Maturity: average maturity and duration

Country & Region > Poland [pl, Region] > Government & Public Finance [gpfi, Category] > Public Debt > General Government Debt > By Maturity > Average Maturity Profile & Duration of State Treasury Debt


Monetary Survey

Source & Release > Tajikistan [tj, Region] > National Bank of Tajikistan > Monetary Survey [rel_tjmonsurv, Release]

United States

UBPR Peer Group Average Report

Source & Release > United States [us, Region] > Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council > UBPR Peer Group Average Report [rel_usffiecubprpgar, Release] > Asset Yields & Funding Costs 


Lowy Institute Asia Power Index

Country & Region > World [world, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Overall ESG > Lowy Institute > Asia Power Index

IMF Public Finances in Modern History

Source & Release > World [world, Region] > International Monetary Fund (IMF) > Public Finances in Modern History [rel_imffpp, Release]

May 6
May 17, 2024
Apr 22
May 3, 2024

US Apartment Tightness Index, Thailand Tourism and Global Temperature Anomalies Data

Fallback heading


New data additions include expanded data coverage in U.S. real estate market insights, global climate trends and Thailand's weekly tourism arrivals.


  • Country name
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Public Sector Earnings

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Income & Earnings [inea, Category] > Wages & Salaries > By Level of Government & Industry

Public Sector Employment

Country & Region > Australia [au, Region] > Labor Market [lama, Category] > Employment > By Sector, Level of Government & Industry > Public Sector


CPI Weights

Country & Region > Austria [at, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > All Items


Quarterly balance sheet and income statement, by industry, seasonally adjusted

Source & Release > Canada [ca, Region] > Statistics Canada > Selected Releases > CANSIM General Add-On Release [rel_caaddon, Release]

Czech Republic

PPI Weights

Country & Region > Czech Republic [cz, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Producer Price Index > Producer Price Index


Net Price Index Weight

Country & Region > Denmark [dk, Region] > Prices [pric, Category] > Consumer Price Index > All Items


Liquid International Reserves

Country & Region > Honduras [hn, Region] > Foreign Finance [fofi, Category] > International Reserves

Hong Kong

Retail Sales indices, seasonally adjusted

Country & Region > Hong Kong [hk, Region] > Trade [trad, Category] > Domestic Trade > Retail Trade

Usage of Renminbi Liquidity Facility

Country & Region > Hong Kong [hk, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Central Bank Open Market Operations > Usage of Renminbi Liquidity Facility


Repo Rate

Country & Region > Indonesia [id, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Bank Indonesia


Land Price Announcement

Country & Region > Japan [jp, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Land > Price Index > Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism


Banking Statistics: loan / financing by purpose

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Deposits & Loans > Islamic Bank > Monetary & Banking > Loan/Financing by Purpose

Fixed Income Indices from the Bond Pricing Agency of Malaysia

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Fixed Income Indices > Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia

Direct Investment by Sector

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Business Statistics [bust, Category] > Direct Investment (Liabilities) > By Sector

Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia, by Sector

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Foreign Finance [fofi, Category] > Foreign Direct Investment > By Sector > FDI in Malaysia

Monetary Policy Committee Meeting Dates

Country & Region > Malaysia [my, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Central Bank of Malaysia

New Zealand

Monetary Policy Statement Dates

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Real Estate stock, approved for Sale

Country & Region > New Zealand [nz, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Stock > Approved for Sale >


Monetary Policy Decisions Dates

Country & Region > Philippines [ph, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Central Bank of the Philippines


Financial Soundness Indicators

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Money, Banking & Credit [bank, Category] > Financial Soundness Indicators

Transaction of Housing Units – methodological change

Country & Region > Portugal [pt, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Transactions > House Units > Portuguese National Statistics Institute (INE) > Transactions of Housing Units


Transmissions to the European Central Bank

Country & Region > Sweden [se, Region] > National Accounts [naac, Category] > Transmissions to the European Central Bank


Inward Direct Investment Flows by Source Economy

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Foreign Finance [fofi, Category] > Foreign Direct Investment > By Region

Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index

Country & Region > Singapore [sg, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Monetary Authority of Singapore

South Korea

Monetary Policy Board Meeting Dates

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Bank of Korea

Real Estate Prices

Country & Region > South Korea [kr, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > Real Estate Prices > Residential > Rental Price Index > Korea Appraisal Board > Overall


Monetary Policy Meeting Dates

Country & Region > Taiwan [tw, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Central Bank of Taiwan


International Arrivals (Weekly)

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Tourism [tour, Category] > Arrivals > Weekly

Monetary Policy Committee Dates

Country & Region > Thailand [th, Region] > Interest & Exchange Rates [rate, Category] > Policy Rates > Bank of Thailand

United States

NMHC Quarterly Survey of Apartment Market Conditions  

Country & Region > United States [us, Region] > Surveys & Leading Indicators [surv, Category] > Business Surveys > National Multifamily Housing Council > NMHC Quarterly Survey of Apartment Market Conditions

Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI)

Country & Region > United States [us, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > 📖 Zillow Detail > Zillow Index, Metro Level [rel_uszillowmetro, Release] > Home Value Index (ZHVI)

Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI)

Country & Region > United States [us, Region] > Construction & Real Estate [cons, Category] > Real Estate > 📖 Zillow Detail > Zillow Index, Metro Level [rel_uszillowmetro, Release] > Observed Rent Index (ZORI)


Global Climate Monitoring

Country & Region > World [world, Region] > ESG [esgc, Category] > Environmental > Climate Change > Global Land & Ocean

Apr 22
May 3, 2024
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