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December 15, 2022

Macrobond breaks multiple revenue records in 2022

As demand surges for innovative macroeconomic and financial software and analytics, Macrobond is set to post its best-ever year, month and quarter.
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Macrobond, the leading provider of time-series technology and global macroeconomic and financial data, is capping 2022 by announcing record monthly, quarterly and annual revenue.

Sales increased about 60 percent over the prior year, with annual recurring revenue (ARR) rising approximately 30 percent over the past twelve months. The last three months of 2022 will mark a seventh consecutive quarter of record growth for the Swedish company.

As Macrobond expands its universe to 300 million time series, its customers are able to combine traditional macroeconomic analysis with alternative data sets to understand the surge in volatility taking place across all asset classes.

And as companies are forced to do more with less in a high-cost labour environment, customers are able to leverage Macrobond’s unique collaboration technology to boost productivity to all-time highs – even as remote working continues.

Howard Rees, Chief Commercial Officer, said: “One of the best things about working at Macrobond is how much our users love the product. This is not just a user base, but a community, and its feedback continues to be invaluable as we enhance our service. I have never seen customers so willing to get involved  – whether that be recording public testimonials, speaking on panels, contributing blog posts or giving demonstrations to their colleagues. We would not have set these sales records without their help.

I am extremely proud that record growth keeps accelerating. Our pipeline for the year ahead couldn’t be healthier, and we are looking forward to delivering great solutions and fantastic customer service for many years to come. I’d like to thank the fantastic team at Macrobond who continue to make the impossible look ordinary – and all our customers for the faith you continue to show in us.”

Tomas Liljeborg, Chief Executive Officer, said: “When I founded Macrobond, it was to put powerful productivity and collaboration tools in the hands of users, as well as giving them access to vast amounts of clean, timely data. I saw a clear gap in the market for a solution that would replace Excel, unlocking productivity and workflow gains for the firms that adopted it.

Today – some 14 years later – Macrobond operates in a huge and growing market. Our ever-growing community ranges from financial institutions to governmental organisations and major corporates – all using Macrobond’s integrated platform to enhance analysis, collaborate and digitalise economic and financial research.

Even as the economic outlook becomes more uncertain, we will invest even more in data, technology, customer support and innovation to accelerate growth in coming years.”

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