Macrobond 1.20
Selection of new functionality
The Watchlist allows you monitor specific documents to see when the data in them is updated or is scheduled to be updated. You can see Watchlist as your personal agenda that helps you keep track of events.
Adding items to your Watchlist is done by adding a Macrobond document and chart that contains the series you want to monitor. Find out more about Watchlist here, or take a look at this how-to video tutorial.
Watchlist Primer
To help you get started, we have prepared documents for commonly used indicators and regions. You can create Watchlist items with these by using the Watchlist Primer dialog that you can access from the file menu.
Once you have added a few Watchlist items, you can use the overview tab to the left to see when data in these documents was last updated.

By clicking in the “Next release” header, you can shift perspective and see when the next updates are scheduled. The events that are closest in time are highlighted in bold.Your Watchlist items can be personal or shared with your company or department.

Extend incomplete periods when converting to lower frequency
We’ve added a setting called “Partial period method”, which allows you select how to handle to a lower frequency when there aren’t enough values to cover the whole last (and first) period.
You’ll find this setting in the series list under “conversion settings”.

Unit root test analysis
The Unit Root test analysis attempts to answer whether a series is (trend-) stationary. If not, the long run variance can wonder off into infinity and cause complications for further statistical modelling.
The test used is the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), which is based on regression analysis. The null hypothesis is that the series has a unit root. This is tested using special tables[1] from which p-values for the hypothesis can be computed. The test automatically takes into account model specification
See this document for an example of the unit root test.
Macrobond chart library : Examples/Analyses/Unit Root Test/Unit Root Test – log US GDP
[1] MacKinnon, James G, 1996. “Numerical Distribution Functions for Unit Root and Cointegration Tests,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 11(6), pages 601-618, Nov.-Dec.
New bar chart graph type: Range
Now you can display two series as a range in a bar chart.
Default tree filter in data tree
You now have more control of the region filters in the data tree. If you select a filter from the list of previously used filters, the filter is only applied to the current view. However, if you select it by clicking on the white star to the right, this filter will be the new default filter across views. Changing the default filter changes all views that currently use the default filter and will be used for all new analytics documents that are opened.

Directional arrows on scatter graphs
Additional line endings for graph annotation
Choose from various end points to a line, when adding an annotation.
Select portrait or landscape when exporting presentation documents
There is now an option to select a portrait page orientation as well as landscape when you export a presentation document to PowerPoint.

Paste data sets into Macrobond
You can now manually copy/paste the series from an entire dataset (or parts thereof) at once from Excel into Macrobond. This feature is available when creating Document Series as well as Account in-house series using external data. The Application automatically detects the frequency based on the information entered.

How To Upgrade
The new version can be installed directly via the Macrobond application by clicking on the yellow ribbon, which appears on the screen, or by selecting Check for update in the Help menu. If you need assistance, a description of how to upgrade can be found here.