Webinars & seminars
May 8, 2024

RBA – The Final Central Bank to Cut Rates? How will it impact FX and Asset Allocation Strategies

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Webinars & seminars
May 8, 2024
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RBA – The Final Central Bank to Cut Rates? How will it impact FX and Asset Allocation Strategies


Jonathan Kearns
Annette Beacher
Gareth Aird
Diana Mousina





Keynote - RBA – The Last Central Bank to Cut Rates

The futures market is expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to cut interest rates after most of the global major central banks and then at a more gradual pace. How might this influence the Australian dollar and what implications could it pose for debt markets? Will this result in a slower economic recovery in Australia and what might this mean for asset returns?

Panel discussion - The implications, opportunities and risks of RBA being the last bank to cut

How would it affect asset allocation and FX strategies across the investment landscape?

- Discussion on Implications, Opportunities, and Risks

- Is inflation a persistent concern that could potentially defer Central Banks' rate cut decisions?

- How is the monthly CPI and high-frequency indicators changing our understanding of and response to inflation?

- How might AI change how we interpret economic data and what implications could this have in markets?


3.30pm Registration and coffee

4.00pm Keynote

4.25pm Panel

5.10pm Networking drinks and canapes

8.30pm Close

Webinar video replay
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RBA – The Final Central Bank to Cut Rates? How will it impact FX and Asset Allocation Strategies



Steven Dong




Keynote - RBA – The Last Central Bank to Cut Rates

The futures market is expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to cut interest rates after most of the global major central banks and then at a more gradual pace. How might this influence the Australian dollar and what implications could it pose for debt markets? Will this result in a slower economic recovery in Australia and what might this mean for asset returns?

Panel discussion - The implications, opportunities and risks of RBA being the last bank to cut

How would it affect asset allocation and FX strategies across the investment landscape?

- Discussion on Implications, Opportunities, and Risks

- Is inflation a persistent concern that could potentially defer Central Banks' rate cut decisions?

- How is the monthly CPI and high-frequency indicators changing our understanding of and response to inflation?

- How might AI change how we interpret economic data and what implications could this have in markets?


3.30pm Registration and coffee

4.00pm Keynote

4.25pm Panel

5.10pm Networking drinks and canapes

8.30pm Close

Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Jonathan Kearns
Chief Economist and Head of Regulatory Affairs
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Annette Beacher
Investment Manager
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Gareth Aird
Head of Australian Economics (Executive Director)
Commonwealth Bank
Moderator & KEYNOTE
In-house speaker
Diana Mousina
Deputy Chief Economist
Keynote Jonathan Kearns is Chief Economist and Head of Regulatory Affairs at Challenger, where he also sits on the investment committee. He previously worked at the Reserve Bank of Australia for 28 years. Panellists To be announced
This event will be recorded and the recording will be shared globally with Macrobond contacts and hosted on the Macrobond website and third-party video platforms.
All opinions expressed in this content are those of the contributor(s) and do not reflect the views of Macrobond Financial AB.
All written and electronic communication from Macrobond Financial AB is for information or marketing purposes and does not qualify as substantive research.


Keynote - RBA – The Last Central Bank to Cut Rates

The futures market is expecting the Reserve Bank of Australia to cut interest rates after most of the global major central banks and then at a more gradual pace. How might this influence the Australian dollar and what implications could it pose for debt markets? Will this result in a slower economic recovery in Australia and what might this mean for asset returns?

Panel discussion - The implications, opportunities and risks of RBA being the last bank to cut

How would it affect asset allocation and FX strategies across the investment landscape?

- Discussion on Implications, Opportunities, and Risks

- Is inflation a persistent concern that could potentially defer Central Banks' rate cut decisions?

- How is the monthly CPI and high-frequency indicators changing our understanding of and response to inflation?

- How might AI change how we interpret economic data and what implications could this have in markets?


3.30pm Registration and coffee

4.00pm Keynote

4.25pm Panel

5.10pm Networking drinks and canapes

8.30pm Close

May 8, 2024
Fullerton Hotel, 1 Martin Place, Sydney
Hosted by:

Additional session

May 8, 2024
Hosted by:
Steven Dong
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