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January 22, 2021

Japan's Inflation Revolution - An Update

Japan’s inflation revolution is continuing. Wage growth and corporate pricing power appear to be the highest in decades, while last year’s corporate profits were the highest ever. Retail investors are scrambling to beat inflation via equity investing, especially via “All Country” index funds. Meanwhile, the BOJ continued to normalize monetary policy on July 31, hiking rates and cutting bond purchases.
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Testuo Harry Ishihara
Strategist, Macrobond consultant, and former adviser to Japanese regulators
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As our chart shows, sales of homes in China’s secondary market shot right back up just one month after plummeting in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Not only that, but volumes have since continued to climb – along with prices! This is especially true for residences in the most urbanised and economically developed areas – so-called tier-1 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Property analysts say Chinese investors view housing as a safer bet than stock markets or overseas assets. As the pandemic threatens a global economic downturn, can we expect demand to intensify? And how much more can prices rise before the bubble finally bursts?  

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